1. Postdoc Researcher
Department of Systems of Stevens Institute
of Technology
· Research on budget management
systems based on Blockchain
· Research on Central Bank Digital
· Design and Implement of a
parking sharing application
2. Consultant
School of Dental Medicine
· Research on Applications of
Digital Twins in Dentistry
· Research on Applications of
artificial intelligence in Dentistry
3. Visiting Professor
Department of Computer Engineering of Mazandaran
University of Science and Technology
· Taught
several courses such as operating systems and computer networks.
4. Researcher
IoT Research center of Amirkabir
University of Technology
Developed a general-purpose platform for
IoT-based applications.
5. Graduate Assistant
Amirkabir University of
Developed several novel dynamic models of
cellular learning automata.
Worked on different projects related to
peer-to-peer networks, artificial intelligence, learning automata, and
reinforcement learning.
· Publications
in peer-reviewed journals (Including Journal of Networks and Computer
Applications, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Applied
Intelligence and Journal of Network and Systems Management).
6. Graduate Assistant
Amirkabir University of
Worked on different projects related to
distributed search engines and parallel algorithms.
7. Visiting Professor
Azad University, Tehran (North Branch)
Taught several courses on Artificial
intelligence, Database, Software Engineering, and Theory of Automata.
· Supervised
the thesis of students.
8. Visiting Professor
Azad University, Tehran (Shahre-Rey
Taught several courses on Software Engineering
and Software Engineering Laboratory.
· Supervised
the thesis of students.